Thursday, May 11, 2023

Tournon Steam Train

Ride the Rails into an Untouched Wilderness:

Traverse one of France’s most picturesque corners during a train excursion into the wilds of the Doux Valley. Meet your guide at the ship and transfer to the train station, where you will board the Train des Gorges, a meter-gauge steam train and engine listed as French historic monuments. Embark on a charming journey on board this nostalgic railway and head into the verdant Doux Valley, a conservation area where panoramic views appear around every turn. This untouched region is inaccessible by road, making it a pristine wilderness of unrivaled beauty and clean air. You will skirt along the Doux River, chugging through the serene countryside, heading into verdant valleys and past sylvan woodlands. After your scenic train ride, return to Tournon and journey back to your ship. 

One of the excursions I was most looking forward to was the Tournon Steam Train. I love trains, and steam trains are an extra special treat. It’s not just the trains that I enjoy, however. It’s also the anticipation of traveling through scenic areas that cannot be reached by road. 

Tim and I boarded our vintage car in St-Jean-de-Muzols for a half-day journey on the Train de l’Ardèche. We had a beautiful morning for a trip through the beautiful landscape of the Ardèche Verte. Following the Doux River, we traversed the verdant Doux Valley and soon entered the narrow Gorges du Doux with its steep mountain walls. The ride was lovely, and I especially enjoyed seeing the engineering feats that made this rail line possible. We traveled on, or passed next to, grand stone bridges, multi-arched viaducts, rock tunnels, and a hydroelectric factory fed by a canal constructed by prisoners from World War I.

All Aboard the Train de l’Ardèche

Beautiful Scenery along the Doux River

I Enjoyed the Manmade Features, Too

We arrived at Colombier le Vieux, and here we got off the train to watch the 20-ton engine being turned around manually on its turntable. That was fun and not something one gets to see very often! Soon, it was time to re-board the train for our return journey.

Turning Around a 20-Ton Engine

The Station in Colombier le Vieux, Our Turnaround Point

Although the windows in our car were operable, the couple sitting in front of us asked that they remain closed. Therefore, I spent much of my time on the small back platform, taking turns with others to hang off the side to take photographs. That was much more fun anyway!

Scenes on the Return Journey

My Favorite Photos Are the Ones with the Train in Them 

We returned to ship and set sail for Vienne. This time, I took a nap since it had started to rain. We arrived in Vienne at 4:30 pm, just in time for our next shore excursion.

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