Sunday, May 14, 2023

Viking Buri to Viking Fjorgyn on the TGV

As instructed, Tim and I placed our two suitcases outside our stateroom door at 5:30 am. At least we weren’t in the group that had a 2:30 am suitcase drop with a 3:30 am departure! What an awful travel day that would be! We then tried to get a bit more sleep, but bit the bullet and just got up for good. 

Tim and I had always opted for the continental breakfast in the Aquavit Terrace, but that wasn’t available this morning. Therefore, we joined the remaining passengers for breakfast in the Restaurant. There were definitely more choices here, with an omelet station and made-to-order options, but I think we still preferred our little oasis on the Terrace.

Farewell, Viking Buri

It was raining when we disembarked the ship at 7:45 am for the short ride to the Lyon-Perrache railway station, where we boarded our TGV train to Paris. Why are we traveling by train, you might ask? Although our France’s Finest cruise is billed as a single cruise, in reality it is two separate cruises connected by train ride from Lyon to Paris. Since I love trains, I was looking forward to a trip on France’s high-speed TGV.

Tim and I climbed the steps to the upper deck and settled into our comfortable first-class seats, one in front of the other, for the two-hour journey. The countryside of east central France was mostly a blur as we reached speeds up to 186 miles per hour. In no time at all, we arrived at the Gare-de-Lyon station in Paris, which was built for the World Exposition of 1900.

Tim and Sarah on the TGV

A Viking representative met our train and whisked us away for a brief tour of Paris on the way to our ship. We passed the Place de la Bastille with its impressive column, the grand Palais Garnier, the neoclassical La Madeleine, and Les Invalides, where Napoleon is buried, to name just a few. Experiencing Paris traffic, even on a Sunday, was an experience.

Passing a Few Paris Monuments on the Way to Our Ship

We finally passed the Eifel Tower and soon arrived at Viking Fjorgyn, where we embarked for the second half of our cruise.

Hello, Viking Fjorgyn

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