Saturday, May 13, 2023

Flavors of Lyon

Savor the History of Lyonnaise Cuisine:

Treat your taste buds to the culinary delights of Lyon, once hailed as the “world capital of gastronomy.” Meet your guide and embark on an insightful walking tour to sample regional delicacies. Enjoy a taste of Brioche à la Praline—a pure butter brioche packed with pounded pralines. Visit a renowned chocolatier and sample a selection of handpicked delights. Learn all about cheese and taste a variety of local favorites as you discover more about the maturing process, accompanied by a glass of wine. And visit a traditional bistro, where your guide will regale you with cultural anecdotes of Lyon’s famed dedication to France’s culinary scene. Here, you will savor a tasty platter of cured meats, pâté croute, terrine and grattons, a local delicacy made from pork rind. After your tasting excursion, return to your awaiting ship.

Our shore excursion this afternoon included a visit to four regional gourmet shops in the Presqu'ile district, the heart of Lyon that occupies the area between the two rivers. Several groups were taking the same tour, and it soon became apparent that the organizers had spread out the groups with visits to different places. Smart!

Our first stop was Mons Fromager Affineur, a cheese maker since 1964. The shop’s display case was filled with a huge assortment of cheeses, and we were served three of their specialties. One was a Rigotte de Condrieu, a type of artisanal cheese made from raw goat’s milk in the Lyonnaise region of France. As we learned about the cheese making process, we also enjoyed a nice chardonnay, a perfect accompaniment.

Cheese at Mons Fromager Affineur

Next up was Voisin, a master chocolatier of Lyon since 1897. Voisin is the largest family-run chocolate factory in France and has developed three Lyon specialties - the Cushion of Lyon, Quenelle of Lyon, and Pink Pralines of Lyon, all of which we sampled. The Cushion of Lyon, for which they are most famous, consists of a creamy chocolate ganache set with a thin layer of green marzipan. I’m not usually a big fan of marzipan, but this was delicious.

Chocolate at Voisin

Rain had been threatening all afternoon, and the skies finally opened up as we made our way to L'Épicerie d'Abel, a gourmet food shop specializing in regional charcuterie, traditional Lyonnaise dishes, and other local products such as pralines, jams, and oils. Here, we were served a regional specialty, a homemade pâté en croûte, which is a meat-based pâté wrapped in a pastry crust and baked until golden brown. Ours was studded with pistachios. We also got to sample thin slices of one of their local sausages with a glass of white wine.

Charcuterie at L'Épicerie d'Abel

It was pouring rain as we walked to our next stop, and our guide suggested that we duck into a nearby church since we were a bit ahead of schedule. Soon, however, we had to make a dash to our next destination.

Vatel Gourmet was another gourmet food shop with a unique twist. Here, the shop was staffed by students from one of the Vatel Schools, a hotel and tourism management education group. We were able to talk with several of the students to learn about the program and their experiences. We also sampled several sweet treats, including the Toque de Lyon, considered to be the best example of Vatel gourmet craftsmanship. This delicate praline was rich in almonds with a crunchy texture, and the packaging resembled a chef’s toque.

Sweet Treats at Vatel Gourmet

Tim and I really enjoyed our food tasting tour – cheese, chocolate, charcuterie, and wine. What's not to love, and what could be more French?

Tonight was our last night on Viking Buri, and we were invited to join the Captain and staff for a farewell toast. Chef Teodor gave one last presentation on his dinner recommendations, and we then joined everyone in the Restaurant for our final dinner. Once again, the meal was excellent, and I even remembered to take a photograph.

Farewell Toast and Dinner

Tim and I then returned to our room to finish packing. Suitcases must be outside our stateroom at exactly 5:30 am, not one minute earlier. Debarkation will then be at 7:45 am. Time to get some sleep.

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