Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A Sea (River?) Day for Me

This morning found us docked in Viviers, said to be one of the best-preserved medieval towns in southern France. Although Tim and I had signed up for the included walking tour, I decided to remain on the ship and take the day off. I needed a break.

It was nice to enjoy a quiet morning with few people around. I set up my laptop in the Lounge, downloaded the closing documents and took notes for the blog. I also took the opportunity to take a few photographs of the public spaces on the upper deck while they were empty.

The Atrium, with a Painting of Buri, the First God in Norse Mythology

The Lounge

The Aquavit Terrace

Since our last few days had been filled with both morning and afternoon shore excursions, we had never had the opportunity to simply relax and enjoy sailing on the Rhône River. Today was our chance to do just that.

We cast off after lunch and spent the afternoon cruising on a gorgeous, but cool, day. There are twelve locks on the Rhône River, and I went out on deck to watch us pass through one of them. It had been years since I had transited a lock, and it was fun to experience it once again.

Transiting a Lock on the Rhône River

The best part, however, occurred when the two gentleman who were on deck with me spotted baby seagulls on the concrete barrier as we exited the lock. We saw many nests there and observed the parents keeping close watch over their chicks. The chicks were so cute!

Aww!  How Cute!

The evening got underway with a cocktail party for Viking Explorer Society members. The bartenders had set up a table with dozens of tasty looking cocktails, and I happened to pick up a pretty pink one in a martini glass. It was called a Fjord, and I had no idea what was in it, but I took a chance. It was delicious. I later learned the cocktail contained aquavit, Martini Rosato (a rose style vermouth) and fresh lime juice. 

Servers next passed around shot glasses of aquavit, Scandinavia’s classic drink. The Hotel Manager told us the story of aquavit, and we then toasted in celebration of Viking’s Norwegian heritage. When we returned to our room after another excellent dinner, we found a gift of two special aquavit glasses.

Skål! (Cheers!)

For someone who rarely drinks alcohol, I am certainly making up for lost time. On our pre-cruise trip, I decided to embrace French customs and enjoy a glass of wine with lunch and dinner. Here on the ship, I have continued that pattern, especially since wine is complimentary with meals. It’s a custom that I am enjoying.

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