Thursday, December 21, 2023

Another Change in Plans

This morning, I attended another lecture by Sue Stockton entitled, “Traveling Down the Longest Road on the Map.” I have always loved road trips, and I found her description of the Pan American Highway quite interesting. This highway stretches all the way from Alaska to Argentina, and I discovered that I’ve driven parts of it in Canada and the United States.

I Doubt I'll Ever Drive the Entire Highway

Captain Richard’s navigational update at noon began with an unexpected announcement. Tomorrow, we will be making an unscheduled stop in Nassau, Bahamas, due to a medical emergency. We will dock at 11:00 am and remain there until 3:00 pm. Although we will be able to get off the ship and explore Nassau on our own, there will be no shore excursions, which is to be expected. Our arrival in Fort Lauderdale remains unchanged.

The rough seas continued all day, but the sun did break through for a while today.

Tonight, we dined with Bonnie and Bill at the Chef’s Table. This was the first couple we met on our pre-cruise extension, and it so happens that they live in Cheyenne, Wyoming, just 45-minutes north of our home. The menu was California Cuisine – another winner!

Sarah, Bonnie, Bill, Tim, and Our Wonderful Waitress Dessa

Amuse Bouche, First Course, Granita, Main Course, Dessert

The Menu with Descriptions of Our Five Courses Pictured Above

Although Tim and I often retire to our stateroom after dinner, we decided to change things up tonight. We attended the Viking Farewell, and I was delighted when all crew members, not just officers, were invited on stage for a thank-you. The audience gave them a well-deserved standing ovation.

What an Incredible Crew!

Afterwards, Tim and I even stayed for a performance by the Viking Neptune Vocalists. We both commented how much we enjoyed their “Southern Sounds” concert celebrating music from the south.

Southern Sounds - Well Done!

We're On Our Way to Nassau

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