Saturday, December 9, 2023

Alhambra Palace and Gardens

A Magnificent Palace Complex in a Breathtaking Setting:

Journey through the stunning Andalusian countryside to Granada and its spectacular complex of the Alhambra. Visit the many and varied chambers and halls of the palace complex, perched on an outcropping overlooking Granada. As you marvel at its rich adornments and intricately carved stucco walls, knotted ceilings and elaborate honeycomb vaulting, your guide will share stories of the heady days when Spain ruled much of the new world. Admire the beautiful courtyards adorned with greenery; the “Serallo,” the official residence of the sultan and his harem; and the famous Patio de los Leones, or Court of the Lions. Enjoy the serenity and sweeping views of these lovely gardens where sultans and kings came to contemplate their destiny. After lunch at a local restaurant, you will see some highlights of the city of Granada before returning to your ship.

When I first looked at the excursions offered on this itinerary, I knew that seeing the Alhambra would be our top priority. Therefore, as soon as the window for booking excursions opened, I added that one to my cart and paid for it before doing anything else. Success!

Today, we docked in Málaga, Spain, and Tim and I set out on our all-day tour to the Alhambra. It was a two-hour drive each way, but it was so worth it to see one of the finest examples of Islamic art and architecture in Europe.

The Alhambra is a complex of medieval and Renaissance palaces and courtyards set within a thirteenth-century walled city, perched high on a hill overlooking the city of Granada. We began our tour with an overview of the development of the Alhambra, with a scale model as a guide.

The Model Helped Us Understand the Scale of the Alhambra

Because it was the home to both Muslim and Christian royalty (not at the same time!), the Alhambra combines both Moorish Islamic and Christian elements. This melding of styles, due to centuries of Spain's multi-cultural and religious history, is what has made the Alhambra so fascinating, mysterious, and iconic.

After our orientation to the site, we walked through the gardens, where we were treated to spectacular views of Granada, as well as the rooflines of the Alhambra complex itself. The gardens were lovely, even in December.

Beautiful Views from the Gardens

Soon, our guide took us into one incredible chamber after another. I was amazed by the architecture, stunning ornamented walls, beautiful frescoes, decorated columns and arches, and colorful tilework.

Because every chamber we visited was so crowded, it was difficult to photograph the rooms themselves. As a result, I decided to focus on architectural details, ornamentation, and the upper part of the walls, as well as views of the exteriors of the buildings. I am not going to try and identify or describe the photos that I’ve included below – I couldn’t, even if I wanted to! I’ll just let the images take you on a magical mystery tour.

Beautiful Spaces and Details

Some of the Many Buildings We Viewed

The Details Were So Impressive

More Incredible Ornamentation on the Walls

Even the Floors Were Decorative

The Iconic Court of the Lions

Sensory Overload!

What an Amazing Place!

I Loved the Designs on the Walkways

After a sensory overload at the Alhambra, we drove to Granada where we had a late lunch at a nice restaurant. We returned to Málaga by a different route, which was much more scenic than this morning’s. We drove through Sierra Nevada National Park as we descended the mountain and noted the snowcapped peaks in the distance. Before long, we were at sea level, and we watched the sun setting over the Mediterranean Sea on the way back to our ship.

A Beautiful Drive Back to Viking Venus

Our Last Port in the Mediterranean Sea

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