Wednesday, December 13, 2023

A Welcome Day at Sea

Since leaving Lisbon, we have begun to sail across the Atlantic, the second largest of the Earth’s oceans. And, as Viking describes it, the ocean “dividing the ‘Old World’ from the ‘New World.’”

After so many port days in a row, a day at sea was very welcome. Tim and I didn’t just sit back and relax, however. We had quite a busy day with a lecture, workshop, laundry, party, specialty dining experience, and even a welcome reception.

We started our morning with an interesting lecture on Bayeux Tapestry, an embroidered cloth that documents William the Conqueror’s invasion of England in 1066, culminating in the Battle of Hastings. Dr. Michael Fuller, our resident historian, provided insight into the tapestry’s artistic and historic significance and explained that some consider this to be a Viking story. Thus, we learned why the tapestry figures so prominently on Viking Ocean ships.

An Interesting Presentation on the Bayeux Tapestry

I had decided next to attend a writing workshop since this first one focused on daily journaling. Hopefully, I can incorporate the tips I learned into this blog.

Viking hosted an In-Transit Gathering for those passengers who had been on the ship since Rome, and it was so nice to get together with our pre-cruise extension folks. While at the party, I decided that it might be wise to select one’s drink of choice based on the type of glass it is served in. I tried a Lemon Drop, which is quite tasty, but I learned that a martini glass can be a bit problematic when the ship is rocking and rolling!

Sarah, Tim, Mary, Dick, Bill, and Bonnie

Tim and I enjoyed another evening at the Chef’s Table. Tonight, the feature was Erling’s Scandinavian Bistro, the first restaurant at sea dedicated to the culinary arts of Norway. Reindeer, salmon, and lamb were prepared in inventive ways, and all were delicious.

Amuse Bouche, First Course, Granita, Main Course, Dessert

The Menu with Descriptions of Our Five Courses Pictured Above

I even stayed up late to attend the Viking Welcome Reception, where Captain Richard and the senior officers welcomed us with a celebratory toast. Afterwards, Cruise Director Osian introduced us to the enrichment lecturers on board, as well as the ship’s Entertainment team. Although Tim and I rarely attend the evening performances, I’m glad I stayed for the show tonight.

Captain Richard, Cruise Director Osian, the Senior Officers, the Entertainment Team,
and the Enrichment Lecturers

Our Journey from Lisbon into the Atlantic Ocean

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