Monday, December 18, 2023

A Change in Plans

Last night was rough, but I don’t seem to mind the rocking and rolling while I’m sleeping. We woke up to even bigger waves this morning, and although the sun tried to peek out a few times, the skies were overcast for most of the day.

Our View this Morning

While at sea, Captain Richard provides a navigational update at noon. Today’s message was not a good one. Due to gale force winds and severe weather conditions around Bermuda, he announced that he had been forced to cancel this port, as have other ships due to call there.

Although I am disappointed, I totally understand and will just go with the flow. I do feel bad for those passengers who boarded in Lisbon, however. Although they did sign up for a transatlantic crossing, they will end up with a visit to only one port, on a rainy, foggy day at that.

Captain Richard reminded us that weather can be unforgiving and that we will continue to encounter very rough seas over the next two days. He informed us that the current waves are 13 feet high and will increase to 16 feet. It will prove to be interesting.

No Wonder We're Rocking and Rolling

A Brief Ray of Sunshine

Because of missing Bermuda, we now will have seven sea days in a row. I don’t think we’ll have that many in a row on our World Voyage.

It’s been interesting for me to compare how our ship is handling the rough seas as compared to the QE2, which I sailed on from New York to Bermuda many, many years ago. I don’t think the seas were any rougher on that trip, but I remember being on a massage table and hearing all the products fall to the floor one day. Viking Neptune seems much more stable, and nothing has fallen so far.

No Bermuda (#3) for Us

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