Thursday, May 19, 2022

Wandering Around Gamla Stan

Gamla Stan, Stockholm’s historic island old town, was right outside our door, and Tim and I spent at least part of every day exploring the narrow, cobblestone streets. We stopped to see the Royal Palace, viewing the statue of King Gustav III on the way.  

One of the Streets in Gamla Stan

A Narrow Street in Gamla Stan

The Royal Palace

Statue of King Gustav III with the National Museum in the Background

Enjoying a Rehearsal at the Stockholm Cathedral

We also visited the Storkyrkan, Stockholm’s cathedral. As we toured the cathedral, we happened to catch a rehearsal for an upcoming concert.

I especially enjoyed just wandering around the area, even looking into a few of the shops. During these wanderings, we fully embraced Stockholm’s fika culture. What is fika? It’s much more than just a coffee break. To fika is to take a respite from the daily grind and relax with a cup of coffee and a sweet treat. It’s also the time to visit with friends and catch up on the latest gossip. How civilized!

One day we also visited the Nobel Museum, located in the former stock exchange building, and one of Tim’s “must-see” sites. We joined a very informative tour and learned about the history of the Nobel Prize, as well as some of its recipients.

Nobel Museum

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