Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Gamle Stavanger On My Own

Stavanger is a southern port in Norway, and its Gamle Stavanger, or Old Town, is lined with the continent’s highest concentration of wooden buildings that date to the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Neither Tim nor I had signed up for a morning tour, which turned out to be just as well.

Tim offered to walk into town to find a pharmacy for me, and he was able to explore some of the city as he wandered through the streets, looking for the right one. I was the beneficiary of his efforts, as he brought me a bag full of over-the-counter cold remedies. The extra strong cough drops worked very well, but the star was Zyrtec. I had always thought Zyrtec was for allergies, but it relieved my symptoms almost instantly. It was like a miracle drug. Maybe I was suffering from allergies after all.

Since I was feeling so much better, I decided to wander into town to visit Gamle Stavanger. Located on a hill overlooking the harbor, the neighborhood features narrow, winding cobblestone streets. The small, wooden houses and their gardens were charming. I didn’t stay out long, but I’m glad I was able to visit this historic area.

A Neighborhood Park Offered a Peaceful Entrance into Old Town

Wooden Houses

Hilly, Cobblestone Streets

Rows of Charming Wooden Houses

More Houses and Hills

Pretty Gardens

Lots of Colorful Flowers

The walk along the harbor on my way back to the ship was quite pleasant.

Along the Harbor

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