Friday, November 24, 2023

Touring Florence by Golf Cart

When visiting a new city, Tim and I often like to take an overview tour to get a feel for the place and see its highlights. When we are on a cruise, this option is typically by motorcoach. In Florence, we selected a tour with a unique means of transportation.

Although I was familiar with Florence, this was Tim’s first visit, so I looked for an option that would cover more ground than a walking tour. I happened to find Eco Tours Italia, a company that offers tours in electric golf carts. What a great idea, especially since motorcoaches are not allowed in many historic areas of the city. What sold me on the tour I finally selected is that we would visit Piazzale Michelangelo. Located on a hill on the south bank of the Arno River, this site offers the iconic view of the city of Florence. I had always wanted to visit there, and getting there by golf cart would be perfect.

Francesco was our tour guide, and Tim and I were his only two passengers. What a bonus, a private tour! We passed by many of Florence’s most historic sites, and Francesco provided insightful commentary. Although he gave us ample opportunities to take photos, I took very few until we crossed the river.

Famous Sites of Florence

Tim and Sarah on the Arno River with the Ponte Vecchio in the Background

We soon drove along fourteenth-century walls and through an arched gate to begin our climb up the long, winding road to Piazzale Michelangelo, passing a group of monks. Along the way, we admired Poggi’s Ramps, a complex of manmade grottoes, basins, fountains, arches, walkways, and stairs, before reaching our intended destination.

The Drive Up to Piazzale Michelangelo

The view from Piazzale Michelangelo was everything I had hoped for. It didn’t hurt that the day was gorgeous, and the late afternoon light was magical. Here, I couldn’t stop clicking my camera.

Iconic Views of Florence

After tearing ourselves away from the view, we then continued farther up the hill to see the church of San Miniato al Monte, a beautiful Romanesque Basilica atop one of the highest points in the city. All too soon, it was time to return to our starting point.

San Miniato al Monte

The tour was a fun and relaxing way to see the highlights of Florence, and it was quite a memorable experience. Francesco was a hoot, singing to us and regaling us with stories about what we were seeing the entire time. He, alone, was worth the price of admission!

Francisco, Tim, and Our Golf Cart

Since we hadn’t eaten lunch, I was hungry, so we stopped on the way back to our hotel and had a pizza, which I had been craving since last night. It was a perfect late afternoon snack, and it turned out to be our dinner as well.

After returning to our hotel, we decided to head directly to the hotel bar. This time, we decided to sit at the bar, and we are so glad we did. Tina was the bartender, and we asked her to select our drinks. She made a mocktail for Tim and decided that I should have a La Dolce Vita (vanilla-infused vodka, fermented passion fruit liqueur, fresh passion fruit puree, fresh lemon juice, and vanilla syrup). Watching her make the drinks was pure entertainment. She really put on a floor show, and we loved it (and the drinks!).

Tina and Our Delicious Concoctions

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