Friday, January 28, 2022

Lessons in Conservation

Jeanne, the conservator hired by LYJO, arrived for a two-week work session, and we began the job of cleaning and packing the multitude of items in the Texas White House. We started with the ceramics and learned the proper conservation techniques for handling these items.

Jack had arrived with Jeanne, and I was in awe of the secure way he packed some of the most fragile items. I learned how to wrap the plates and then moved on to wrapping Mrs. Johnson’s costume jewelry. In the meantime, Tim was cleaning and packing all the framed photographs that had hung throughout the house, as well as searching for answers to any questions about the catalog record.

Wrapping Plates and Jewelry with Jack

Cleaning and Wrapping Framed Items and Playing Computer Guru

It was very cool to have such an “up close and personal” look at the Johnson’s items. Tim’s brother had asked if we would be handling LBJs underwear. No, but I did deal with his toothbrush and other toiletry items.

I also spent much of my time photographing those items that had never been photographed for the catalog record. Then, in order to create a snapshot of how the house looked before being packed away, I photographed each room from all angles. 

Photographing Items from the Texas White House

Photographing Individual Rooms

I learned so much about conservation from Jeanne and Jack, and Tim and I loved working with them and with Niki. Niki was always there with a smile and a question, “What can I do for you?” What a treasure!

Tim, Niki, and Sarah (and Mrs. Johnson)

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