Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Touring the LBJ Ranch

Tim and I had previously visited the LBJ Ranch when we spent several months in nearby Kerrville while full-timing in our RV. Since we’ll be working here, we wanted to take the opportunity to reacquaint ourselves with this historic property.

The LBJ Ranch is where LBJ was born, lived, died, and was buried. Mrs. Johnson continued to live here part-time after the President’s death in 1973.

Two of the major buildings at the Ranch include the Texas White House, where we will be spending much of our time, and the former hanger, which is now the visitor center. Other buildings are scattered throughout the property.

The Ranch is still a working ranch, and I believe it is still one of only two National Park units with that distinction. We loved having the cows among us.

The Texas White House

The Hanger

Air Force One-Half

Reconstructed Birthplace

Grandparents' Farmhouse

Who Are You Looking At! - We Have the Right-of-Way

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