Monday, July 10, 2023

Getting the RV in Shape

In less than one month, Tim and I will be heading to Agate Fossil Beds National Monument for our three-month volunteer assignment. Since we’ll be living in our RV, it was time to test out the systems and put it back in shape.

Tim and I are not campers, and we have used the RV only for volunteer projects at national park units since we stopped full-timing in 2019. As a result, we have not traveled in the RV since we returned from Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park in March 2022. 

The RV has been sitting in our storage facility all this time, and it is still winterized. Yes, Tim has driven it since then, mostly to keep the battery charged, although it did require a jump-start a few times! Last month, we had the annual service performed, and everything was fine on that end.

The RV Has Spent the Last Year or So in This Storage Facility

In order to de-winterize and test out everything else, we made a reservation at a campground just a few blocks from our home and checked in yesterday. I was a bit nervous when we plugged into the campground pedestal and turned on the air conditioner, but it worked just fine. Amazingly, so did everything else.

We spent yesterday afternoon and this morning sorting and cleaning and making sure that everything is ready to go. We still have to finish loading the RV with food, supplies, and the rest of our gear, but that can wait until the end of the month.

While we were at the campground, we began talking to the gentleman parked next to us. He was interested in our RV and mentioned that he and his wife had been thinking of downsizing to a unit like ours. Tim and I had been seriously talking about selling the RV after we return from Agate Fossil Beds, so we gave him and his wife a tour. They seemed very interested, but who knows if anything will come of it.

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