Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Glenwood Springs

We arrived in Glenwood Springs in the afternoon and checked into the Hotel Denver, a historic hotel across the street from the depot. We decided to explore a bit of the town and walked across the bridge that spans the interstate highway to see the Hotel Colorado, perhaps the most famous historic hotel in Glenwood Springs. It started raining while we were there, so we simply ordered café lattes and relaxed in the lobby.

Glenwood Springs Depot

Hotel Denver

Hotel Colorado

Although Glenwood Springs is most famous for its hot springs, neither Tim nor I is a fan, so we skipped that activity. After walking back across the bridge, where we had great views of the hot springs pool, the depot, and our hotel, we walked downtown and found an Asian restaurant. Great meal, great waiter, and great time.

Glenwood Hot Springs

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