Tuesday, September 28, 2021

On the California Zephyr

Early the next morning, Tim and I walked to Union Station to board the California Zephyr for Glenwood Springs. As we waited in line, we struck up a conversation with a group of three couples who had traveled by train from Virginia to Chicago to Denver. They were headed west to Salt Lake City and then to a dude ranch. They were a fun group and helped us pass the time.

The conductor came through the line to check our tickets and hand out seat assignments. I had thought we could pick our own seats, but that was not the case. It didn’t matter, however, since we lucked out with the bulkhead row and lots of windows. As we waited to leave, we watched the station staff wash the windows. Clean windows sure help the quality of the photographs.

That ride was one of the most gorgeous I’ve ever taken. Not only were the fall colors spectacular, but the remote canyons that the train passed through were simply amazing. Many of the canyons are accessible only by train or on foot. We followed the Fraser River and then the Colorado River for much of the journey, and my eyes were glued to the windows virtually the entire time.

We met a gentleman on the train who takes several long-distance train rides every year. I enjoyed hearing some of his stories and pumped him for tips that I might use on future travels.

The following photos will only provide a taste of the spectacular views we witnessed as the California Zephyr traveled from Denver to Glenwood Springs.

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