Monday, April 15, 2024

The End of an Era

Instead of catching up on blog posts from our cruise, I’ve been working with Tim to get our RV ready to be sold. Today was the day. No, the RV hasn’t yet been sold, but we did drop it off with a consigner who will handle the sale for us. Leaving the RV in the consigner’s lot was certainly bittersweet. While we knew it was time to let the RV go, we will miss having it available for any future volunteer projects at national parks.

Although Tim and I could have tried to sell the RV ourselves, neither one of us is good at selling things. When we downsized, for example, it was easier to donate the items we couldn’t use rather than have a garage sale. We certainly weren’t going to donate the RV, but neither one of us was willing to take on the task of selling it. A consignment arrangement is just better for us.

While we will miss the RV, we will still have the many memories we made with it. It was our home for five years, and we were able to visit 49 states and several Canadian provinces in it. Hopefully, someone will enjoy it as much as we have.

So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye 

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