Thursday, August 10, 2023

Working at Agate Fossil Beds National Monument (AGFO)

Coming to a new park for volunteer opportunities always brings with it a bit of uncertainty. When we arrived at work last Wednesday, we learned that the museum curators that we thought we would be working with had moved on to new positions elsewhere. Okay, we can deal with that.

Since new background checks were required, we knew that we would not have computer access for some time. Tera Lynn, the park’s lead interpreter and volunteer coordinator, gave us a great introduction to AGFO and made it a point to provide us with anything we needed. She had several interim projects for us as we waited for our clearance to come through.

We Even Have Volunteer Shirts to Wear at AGFO

Housekeeping and organizing curation rooms seems to be a first step for us at most parks, and Tim and I attacked this self-imposed task with gusto. It feels so much better to work in a clean and organized space. We then tackled our interim projects. While Tim fashioned trays for fossils used in interpretive programs, I created a database of the hundreds of excess books that had recently been culled from the park’s library.

Before and After in the Main Curation Room

Before and After in the Curation Office

The staff at AGFO is quite small, and everyone is friendly and appreciative of what we’re doing. Interacting with park staff is one of our favorite things about volunteering at national parks, and we are looking forward to working with everyone here.

Tera Lynn is very flexible with our schedule, and Tim and I have elected to work every Tuesday through Friday. We leave work early on Friday and drive to Colorado for the weekend, returning to AGFO late Monday afternoon. We’ve never been able to do this before, but so far, it’s working out well.

The Drive to and from Colorado Is Easy, Although the Hailstorm We Encountered Last Monday Wasn't So Fun!

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