Sunday, March 26, 2023

Blog Posts for Our 2022 Viking Cruise Are Complete

Approximately one month ago, I mentioned that I was starting to write blog posts for the Viking Homelands-British Explorer cruise we had taken in May-June 2022. I knew it would be a challenge, since I had few notes and thousands of photographs, but it was a project I am so glad I undertook. When I finished the last post yesterday, I felt a huge sense of accomplishment, and relief. 

The process of preparing these posts was almost like reliving our wonderful cruise. For every post, I started by looking at each Viking Daily, which I had saved, as well as the descriptions for the excursions we took. Then, I started wading through the photographs. In many cases, I couldn’t remember what I was looking at. Did we really go there? Where was this view? What building was that?

Each Viking Daily and Excursion Description Was Helpful

I began to do a little research about each location and re-learned what our guides had explained on the tours. In the end, I likely acquired even more knowledge than was presented to us. I also discovered the value of Google Lens and couldn’t believe how it could help identify even the most obscure building or site. Even though I ended up deleting half the photos I had taken, the remaining ones did tell the story of each day’s adventures, and they proved to be invaluable in writing the posts.

Google Lens Was Amazing Resource

As I progressed through the days, I got into the process even more, and my later posts are much more thorough than the earlier ones. They likely have more photos as well, although I did combine many of them in collages.

There was so much to take in while we were touring almost every day, so reliving everything this last month has been a rewarding exercise. I certainly have a much better appreciation for and understanding of the amazing places we visited.

This project has kept me so busy this winter that I have not minded staying home. I guess traveling vicariously has satisfied my wanderlust for the time being

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