Saturday, March 19, 2022

Winter Park Express Train

Tim and I loved taking Amtrak’s California Zephyr last fall from Denver to Glenwood Springs and back. The Rockies were gorgeous with their autumn colors, and we thought it would be cool to see the mountains in their winter finery.

On winter weekends, Amtrak runs the Winter Park Express ski train. According to an Amtrak spokesman, “Whether you’re skiing or not, you’re certainly welcome to use the Winter Park Express — it’s not limited to skiers.” We certainly weren’t planning to ski. We just wanted to enjoy the scenery.

We got up in the middle of the night and drove to Denver’s Union Station for our 7:00 am departure. The scenery from the train was beautiful, and we arrived in Winter Park two hours later.

Early Morning Light after Leaving Denver

Through the Rockies

Frozen Streams

We had no plans for Winter Park. We wandered around the town, watched the skiers, and got something to eat.

While we were walking around, we discovered that we could get a great view of the entrance to the Moffat Tunnel. The Moffat Tunnel cuts through the Continental Divide and is the longest of the many tunnels on the route at 6.2 miles.

Tim and the Moffat Tunnel

Sarah and the Moffat Tunnel

We reboarded the train at 4:30 pm and had another gorgeous ride back to Denver. We really lucked out with the weather today – bright blue skies and not too cold. It was a fun day.

Back through the Rockies

Expansive Views

Lots of Tunnels

Back in Denver

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