Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Arriving at Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area

Before leaving Boulder City, Nevada, on New Year's Day, we decided to take time to visit Hoover Dam. We had previously taken the tour, so we just took a drive to check things out.

Hoover Dam

We could not arrive at Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (SAMO) until January 2, so we had planned to stay in Palmdale, California, on January 1. 

Knowing that we would be on the road on New Year’s Day, I had packed cans of black-eyed peas and collard greens. I figured we wouldn’t be able to find a restaurant serving a traditional Southern New Year’s Day dinner, so I came prepared. The canned foods left much to be desired, particularly the collard greens, but I wanted to make sure I had good luck for the New Year.

We arrived at SAMO the next morning and settled into our temporary home at LaKretz Field Station, a two-bedroom apartment with a large living/conference room where we would work. We met the staff and learned more about what we would be doing.

LaKretz Field Station - Our Temporary Home

SAMO’s museum storage facility had burned to the ground during the Woolsey Fire in 2018, resulting in the destruction of virtually the entire museum collection. It was a devastating loss. Our job was to complete the paperwork to deaccession or permanently remove the lost items from National Park Service ownership and custody. In other words, the items had to be “taken off the books.”

The Remains of the Museum Storage Facility

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